Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jing Video

I've created the following tutorial using Jing. Hopefully, I've embedded it properly. Also, I have a new found respect for voice-over actors. It's especially tough when you need to maneuver things on the computer at the same time. This is my first attempt at making a Jing video. I'm hoping to get better.
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  1. Amy DuShane says... (I can't get blogspot to put my info on my responses!)

    Wow, that was pretty impressive! I too explored Jing this week, but adding the audio was a lot more ambitious. How long did it take to create the video, including recording the audio? Also, where did you get the program to demonstrate the crosses? I was just curious because while I teach physical science, another teacher at my school could really use this!

  2. Looks great! Same question..how long did it take to create this video?I explored Jing also but cannot say I have been successful. I posted a picture and I have given the url on my blog but was not able to paste the actual picture. I was thinking that there should be a way to just click on the url to go to the picture but it doesn`t. I went by the steps explained in the video in Webtools 2011. I have identified Jing to be one of the tools I will use in class and plan to look at it in detail.

  3. It took awhile to create the video. I used SMART Notebook to do show the crosses. All the teacher laptops at our district come with this program. Even if the teacher doesn’t have a SMART Board, the program can still be very helpful. It took me a good bit to get everything set up and in the right place. I found the hardest part to be doing the audio. One little stumble on a word and you have to start from the beginning. You say the wrong thing 4:30 minutes into it and you have to start back over. If anyone knows a way to edit Jing a little easier let me know. Start to finish, I would estimate it took me 45 minutes to do it. I had fun making it!

  4. Nice job Taylor. How would you use this video- in class, or would you post it somewhere for your students?

  5. We use Moodle at our school. I'm going to post this video on Moodle, so that they can look at anytime.

  6. Thanks! I just got the Smart Board software, so I will have to look into it!
